Health Advocate of the Year Award Winners 2023


County Durham: Ashleigh Armstrong, Authentix Security Print Solutions Limited

Gateshead: Anthony Cairns, Gateshead Council

Newcastle: Emma Logan, NorthStandard 

North Tyneside: Jennifer Chamley, Capita (North Tyneside)

Northumberland: Victoria McSparron, Advance Northumberland

Primary Care: Julie Stephens, Healthworks

South Tyneside: Zoe Malam, Cell Pack Solutions Ltd

Stockton: Sara Fellows, Stockton-on-Tees Borough Council

Sunderland: Heidi Mason, Clearly Drinks Limited

Overall Regional Winner for 2023: Heidi Mason, Clearly Drinks Limited


Special Recognition Award Winners 2023

County Durham: CustomerKNECT

Gateshead: Jobcentre Plus Gateshead 

North Tyneside: Sterling Pharma Solutions

Northumberland: Avery Dennison

Primary Care: Graham Elliott, Sunderland GP Alliance

Primary Care: Kit Wake & Courtney Catterson, Hartlepool and Stockton Health GP Federation

South Tyneside: Helen Foster, South Tyneside Council

Stockton: Mia Goodenough, Jacobs

Sunderland: Clearly Drinks

As a top tier COMAH site our organisation prioritises the health and safety of our people. By equally investing in Health and Wellbeing we can further safeguard our workforce. BHAWA was the obvious choice for us to build on and strengthen our offering in line with our company values.

The framework has provided our business with the tools to understand the wellbeing needs of our rapidly expanding workforce. Through the support of our local coordinator, and collaborating with others, we have been able to develop a more robust health and wellbeing agenda and embed this into our culture.

- Sterling Pharmaceutical Solutions Limited , North Tyneside

We joined the scheme to help us improve the health & wellbeing of our workforce not only at work but also at home.  The campaigns and areas that we cover are varied and we try to include the workforces family and friends wherever possible.

The award is very well structured there is lots of information on the BHAWA website and we have lots of help at support.  It has ensured that our organisations' Health & Wellbeing agenda is structured and well thought out.

- North East & North Cumbria ICB , North Tyneside

At the plant, we really wanted to support our Employees Health and Wellbeing as we transitioned back to normal business, following the Global Pandemic. This award provided us with the structure we needed to develop and launch the Health and Wellbeing plant wide strategy.

Not only does the award provide us with a criteria and structure to follow, it also allows us to focus on topics which we may not have considered previously. In addition, it provides us a network with other local businesses to allow us to benchmark and share best practices.  


- Nissan Motor Manufacturing (UK) Ltd, Sunderland

We wanted to provide staff with the tools and awareness to improve their health and wellbeing as well as improving communication and signposting our staff so they can make informed decisions on any support they need.

The award has assisted in improving communication and developing relationships with staff on all levels. The step challenge we held proved to be an excellent engagement tool and we intend to roll this out again this year.

- Roundel Manufacturing Ltd, Sunderland

We wanted to be able to share wellbeing initiatives we were proud of but at the same time receive feedback on anything that was missing or could be enhanced.

Love being part of the Award process - gives structure to our wellbeing plans for the year and showcases the amazing work our people do to support each other and our teams.

- EDF Energy, Sunderland

We wanted a structured approach to improving the health of employees tapping into the support available and taking the opportunity to benchmark with other organisations to help us improve the health and wellbeing of our people.

The award has been successful in helping us organise dedicated teams and resources as we work through the criteria. So far the campaigns have been very well received by our people and our new Wellbeing strategy has helped us to bring this all together in a framework all our staff understand.

- END. Clothing, Sunderland
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