Better Health At Work Award Portal

The Better Health at Work Award recognises the efforts of employers in the North East and Cumbria in addressing health issues within the workplace.  

The award scheme is FREE, flexible and open to all employers in the North East and Cumbria, regardless of size, location or type of business.

Many organisations already promote healthy lifestyles and consider the health of their employees.  This Award will recognise the achievements of these organisations and help them move forward in a structured and supported way.

For those organisations who have not considered promoting health at work, taking part in this award will help you reap the rewards of encouraging a healthy workforce.

Get started


There are 5 levels to the Award –Bronze, Silver, Gold, Continuing Excellence and Maintaining Excellence, with appropriate criteria at each stage to build into an Award Portfolio.  Organisations are given up to a year per level, but there is flexibility for those who need it.

Every employer/organisation who signs-up to participate in the Award scheme is supported by a dedicated Workplace Health Improvement Specialist.

*Taking part in the Award does not affect the participant’s obligation to comply with the law, including health and safety and employment law.  It is the employer’s responsibility to ensure they are legally compliant in these matters and, therefore, the awarding body cannot be held accountable for any shortfalls in legislative compliance as a result of participation in the scheme.

World Sleep Day 2022

Alcohol Awareness Week

World Oral Health Day

Breast Cancer Awareness Day

Healthy Heart Month

Skin Cancer Awareness

Mini Health Checks

NHS health session

The Hub at Quorum Park

Food Bank

Beat the Streets

Hitachi Construction Machinery 

Bike Build


Football Fitness

Age UK North Tyneside Group

Testicular Cancer

Firstly, and most importantly, we recognise the benefits of supporting the wellbeing of our staff and secondly, as a charity it’s great to get some recognition for what we do.

The process is strong as it leads the organisation through a series of logical steps to the award. Staff have really engaged in the process and it’s a great motivator for staff.

- Willow Burn Hospice, Durham

The award is beneficial to the organisation as it prompts us to think outside the box, extend our health and wellbeing support into new and important areas that we might not necessarily touch upon usually; and it also holds us to account for conducting high quality, meaningful campaigns.

We joined the Award to ensure that our health and wellbeing work goes above and beyond the requirements outlined by the NHS health and wellbeing framework, helping to ensure that we support our colleagues across a variety of areas and that we can demonstrate excellence in doing so.

- Gateshead Health NHS Foundation Trust, Bronze 2021

The wellbeing of our colleagues is incredibly important to us. As an organisation we understand the impact and benefit a good wellbeing strategy brings. We also believe that wellbeing has to be an ongoing campaign, the focus has to be constant not just something you write about in a policy or the provision of good flexible benefits. The award provided structure for us to formulate that strategy and annual activities plans force us to think about a variety of offerings and initiatives.

It provides structure, idea and something to work towards. It helps us to think about better ways to engage people in what we do.

- Aioi Nissay Dowa Europe, North Tyneside

We participated to provide a further structure, focus and sustainable framework to our wellbeing programme.

The Award offers full support in terms of co-ordinator and resource information including best practice ideas and structured targets to aim for  – it feels like we’re working together rather than in a silo!

- Northern Housing Consortium Limited, Sunderland

We wanted to improve employee engagement in health and wellbeing as it’s the right thing to do as a business and may also contribute to improvement in morale, a better people culture, and reduction in sickness absence levels in the long term.

As a business running this award, it shows we are committed to employee health and wellbeing and it improves employee engagement.

- Port of Tyne , North and South Tyneside

To continue to embed Health and Wellbeing in our workforce and to promote and support them to lead healthy lifestyles at work and also at home with their families.

The award gives us structure to assist us in our Health & Wellbeing meetings, giving us the resources and knowledge to lead different campaigns and events to help support our workplace.  The award supports our Health & Wellbeing Strategy.

- The Banks Group Ltd, Durham
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